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  3. Annual Report 2016


In 2016, Fundação Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal (FMCSV) engaged in a profound reassessment of its strategies and objectives. This translated into collaborative actions with the public and private sectors, academia, and civil society, resulting in important milestones, such as the endorsement of the Legal Framework for Early Childhood and the inauguration of the federal program “Criança Feliz” (Happy Child). These milestones were a testament to the ecosystem in which the Foundation operates and its continuous efforts to fortify and evolve within this space. This reflects FMCSV’s commitment to being an agent of transformation, contributing to the enhancement of Early Childhood’s reality and fostering a society that is more inclusive and equitable. 

We invite you to explore the projects and actions that reflect our commitment to the first years of life. Click here to read the annual report. 
