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Who We Are

Our purpose is to help children develop so that society also develops. To this end, we have established four priorities for the Foundation: mobilizing the public, social and private leaders; raising the awareness of society; strengthening the roles of parents and caregivers of young children; and improving the quality of child education in Brazil.  
We believe in the power of connecting people and their different wisdom. Therefore, we rely on partners capable of expanding the network of ideas and projects as much as possible. We want to be here for the long haul, leave a legacy, transform lives and take our ideas farther.   
Our objective is for us—parents caregivers, public, social and private leaders, the press, researchers, and business people—to be capable of making early childhood development the priority that it should be. Not tomorrow, not next year, but now.

A Fundação

Our Values

Love to the cause - early childhood first
Result - responsibility, transparency and integrity
Collaboration - integration and partnerships based on trust
Plurality - respect, inclusion and suprapartisanship
Balance - excellence and innovation, commitment and lightness

Our History 

Our foundation has more than 50 years of history. A history marked by reflection and renewal. The first paragraphs of our story were about hematology. But then came a chapter in which listening to society’s new demands became the priority. The needs of children had changed, and so we adjusted our focus. Therefore, since 2007, we have embraced the cause of early childhood development.  

And our reason for existing became this very important period, the beginning of life, which goes from birth to 6 years old. Always based on scientific knowledge, new pages were written. Many projects that became actions with concrete impact were born, such as Marco Legal da Primeira Infância, a law that pushes for the creation of programs, services, and initiatives geared toward the promotion of the full development of children in their early childhood.  

Partnerships also bloomed, leading to international symposiums, studies with proven results, projects with real and scalable impact, training for leaders and members of the media, movies that reached new audiences, programs that became part of public policy. 

We continue to search for new ways to give more and more importance and value to the narrative of our protagonists: young children. We want to continue spreading the idea that planting the seeds of full development during this phase will lead to the reaping of results for the rest of the child’s life.

Boards & Committees


Board of trustees

Alexandre Grynberg
Eduardo Vidigal Andrade Gonçalves
Igor Lima
Maria Luiza Pacheco Fernandes de Bueno Vidigal Cepera
Rachel Maia
Sandra Grisi
Tracy Francis (chair)

Fiscal board

Adriana Katalan (chair)
Paulo Sergio Miron
Roberto Munhoz Miranda

Investiment committee

André Reginato (chair)
Guilherme Vidigal Andrade Gonçalves
Helio Nogueira da Cruz
Maria Luiza Pacheco Fernandes de Bueno Vidigal Cepera
Roberto Chagas

Communication committee

Alexandre Grynberg
Beatriz Azeredo
Clarissa Orberg
Luciana Alves
Sandra Grisi
Tania Savaget
Teresa Guarita Grynberg (chair)


Activities Report

In 2022, the post-pandemic context was one of great adversity, notable for food insecurity, setbacks in child education and healthcare, and a waste of the talents of four in every ten girls and boys. In the face of this scenario, the Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal Foundation reaffirmed its strategy on two pillars: to leverage public policies and engage society in support of Early Childhood. We direct all the efforts of our staff, governance and numerous partnerships into serving this cause, confident of that which unites us: love and the potential of Brazilian children. In the 2023 Annual Report, you will read about this trajectory and action. We are moving forward together. Early Childhood First. Enjoy the reading!
Want to know about the advances of each phase of the Foundation’s history through the activities reports of previous years?
2022 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report
2019 Annual Report  
2018 Annual Report
2017 Annual Report
2016 Annual Report 
2015 Annual Report 
2014 Annual Report   


From the beginning of our activities, the Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal Foundation has been audited by an external and independent company. During all this time, the annual reports have been approved by the auditors without any reservations or corrections. Financial statements, reports, and respective explanatory notes are available for anyone to consult. 

Our excellence in governance provides an inner clarity to the foundation and strives for constant and progressive improvements to its operational management, which it then translates into tangible results. In 2020, more than 11 million BRL was co-invested in projects, which made the Foundation advance in the mission of developing the child to develop society.