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  3. Annual Report 2014


In 2015, the Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal Foundation (FMCSV) promoted a series of actions that positively impacted advances in internal governance and bolstered Early Childhood in Brazil. To achieve our goal, we reaffirmed the strategy of three models of action: uniting forces, managing knowledge, and transforming realities for the cause. 

FMCSV also ramped up its communication efforts, engaging in targeted campaigns and forming innovative partnerships. A noteworthy venture was the creation of a “Doc-Reality” with Discovery Home & Health, alongside featured sections in the Folha de São Paulo newspaper about early childhood. These initiatives underscored our commitment to spreading knowledge to society. 

Our efforts also extended to supporting critical initiatives focusing on the inception of life. A prime example was the transformation of the São Paulo Program for Early Childhood into a public policy. This was achieved through collaboration with the São Paulo State Government, local municipalities, and NGOs. 

Find out more about our work for Early Childhood. We invite you to explore our annual report to learn more about our projects, actions, and achievements. 
