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  3. Annual Report 2014


In 2014, Fundação Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal (FMCSV) distinguished itself with a series of notable events and initiatives focused on child development and the advancement of Early Childhood. The FMCSV team dedicated itself to fortifying ties with other organizations that share our commitment to the comprehensive well-being of young children across Brazil. 

The year was especially significant for its strategic collaborations and impactful actions within the Legislative Branch, which supported the drafting of the Legal Framework for Early Childhood. Furthermore, the Foundation has strengthened its public image and identity by participating in prestigious awards for civil society organizations. A notable recognition was the Alas/BID Award, bestowed by the Latin America Foundation in Solidarity Action and the Inter-American Development Bank, elevating the visibility and positive impact of our cause. 

For further details on our activities and impact, we invite you to peruse our annual report. 
